The Classic Oreo Shake is a go-to for anyone who lives for the cookies-and-cream combo. With a creamy blend of vanilla ice cream, milk, and a few Oreo cookies to add to that chocolatey crunch HERSHEY’S Sundae Pie, they are the perfect timeless snack.

Whether you need that sweet treat on a cheat day or desire a cool beverage to stave off summer temperatures, The Classic Oreo Shake covers all bases and hits the perfect mark between being sweet enough yet not overbearing. In no time, you will have your glass filled with pure Burger King menu offers, Oreo-y bliss. This shake is very indecent too but what the heck!

What is a Classic Oreo Shake?

A Classic Oreo Shake is produced by blending Oreo cookies with milk Birthday Pie Slice, ice cream, and in some instances different sweet elements to intensify the flavor and texture. This dessert recipe is the perfect drink for all ages where Oreo cookies tabes of a delectably crispy chomp with velvety ice cream.

Its simplicity and flavor bring it to homes,cafés, and restaurant pages. Although it could be made in several variations, everyone’s favorite is the traditional classic version. That’s what we will do in this post, create the best Classic OREO shake along with a couple of variations and serving suggestions.

Classic Oreo Shake Ingredients

So, before we get started with the step-wise recipe for the Oreo shake, here is my list of common ingredients that you would need:

  1. Oreo Cookies: The main ingredient in the shake. You can use Oreo cookies Honest Kids Apple Juice Drink, double stuff, or any other flavor spin-offs.
  2. Packing Change Vanilla Ice Cream: The creamy vanilla steals of ice cream keeps things velvety smooth and decadent in this shake.
  3. Milk: To help thin the shake and bring all the ingredients together, you can use whole milk or even almond or oat milk.
  4. Whipped Cream: Optional, but recommended to serve on top of the espresso mixture for added creaminess and presentation points.
  5. Chocolate Syrup: Optional, for drizzling inside the glass or in the shake itself to be more chocolatey.
IngredientQuantity NeededPrice Range (USD)
Oreo Cookies6-8 cookies (1/3 pack)$1.00 – $1.50
Vanilla Ice Cream2-3 scoops (1 pint)$2.50 – $4.00
Milk (Whole or Plant-Based)1/2 cup$0.30 – $0.50
Whipped Cream (optional)For topping (small can)$1.50 – $2.50
Chocolate Syrup (optional)Drizzle (1 tablespoon)$0.20 – $0.30
Crushed Oreos (optional garnish)1-2 cookies$0.20 – $0.30

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make a Classic Oreo Shake

This is how you make a Classic Oreo Shake at home, in just minutes. Continue reading to learn how you can churn out the perfect shamefulness:

  1. Gather Ingredients:
    • 6-8 Oreo cookies
    • 2-3 scoops of creamy vanilla ice cream
    • Milk — 1/2 cup (may vary as per desired consistency)
    • Whipped cream topping, if desired
    • Chocolate syrup (optional)
  2. Prep the Glass: For a prettier presentation, line the inside of your glass with Chocolate Syrup. This will flavor and make your whole cook look high-end.
  3. Crush the Shake: In a mixer, combine Oreos, vanilla ice cream, and milk. Add a small amount of milk then blend until smooth. If your shake is too thick to drink, just add a little more Whopper King menú and blend to the desired thickness.
  4. Taste And Adjust: Now, turn off the blender and check the shake tastes. If it’s too sweet for you (which is rare), use fewer cookies, or else, add a little chocolate syrup. If too thick, splash a bit more milk in.
  5. Serve: Add the shake to the prepared glass. Finish it off with a dollop of whipped cream and another Oreo for good measure.
  6. Enjoy! The freshest, creamiest taste is obtained by drinking it immediately.

How to Make The Classic Oreo Shake

  1. Chill your Glasses: If you want to make sure that your shake is extra cold, freeze your serving glasses for between 10-15 minutes before adding the shake. This means the shake stays colder for longer.
  2. Crushed Oreo Garnish: A great option is to top the whipped cream with crushed Oreo cookies for both taste and look.
  3. A touch of salt: Just a bit of salt helps to counteract the shake’s sweetness and complements the chocolate flavor in the Oreos.
  4. Flavored Oreos: Go beyond the original cookie, and shake things up (literally) with flavored Oreos. Some people like to add mint, peanut butter, or Oreo flavors to their shakes.

Oreo Shake Variations

The Classic Oreo Shake though perfect as it is can be modified to taste and sensation due to its adaptability in ingredients used. Try these options instead:

1. Vegan Oreo Shake

To make a dairy-free or vegan version for some ingredients:

  • So nice Cream: Plant-based vanilla ice cream (Manu uses almond, coconut or oat)
  • Plant-Based Beverage: Trade milk in for almond, soy, or oat-basedlando_combo kit. These alternatives will still give you that creaminess and complement the Oreo taste.
  • Oreo Cookies: If you love Oreo cookies, most of them are vegan so don’t feel like you need a replacement for the classic cookie!
2. Double Chocolate Oreo Shake

For those choco lovers, load up your Oreo shake with even more chocolate:

  • Chocolate Ice Cream: If you want a richer shake, swap out the vanilla ice cream for chocolate.
  • Chocolate Syrup: For more chocolate, I recommend adding some to the blender (2-3 tablespoons of chocolate syrup).
  • Crushed Chocolate Chips: Add some mini chocolate chips (or whatever size you have) and pulse them a few times for crushed chocolate chips in the fudge.
3. Mint Oreo Shake

This combination of mint and chocolate is unbeatable, so here is a perfect variation for you:

  • Mint Ice Cream: You could also use mint chocolate chip ice cream elements Instead of plain vanilla, you can make like this Mint Ice Cream
  • Mint Oreos: For an ice-cold alternative, simply switch out regular Oreos for some mint-flavored goodness.
  • Peppermint Extract: A drop of peppermint extract to bump up the mint flavor.
4. Peanut Butter Oreo Shake

But if you want a more indulgent and nuttier taste:

  • Peanut Butter: Throw in 1-2 tablespoons of creamy peanut butter.
  • Peanut Butter Oreos: Alternatively, maybe replace the chocolate with peanut butter Oreos for double peanut peanutiness.
  • Peanut Butter Bubbles: If you want an extra indulgent experience, drizzle some melted peanut butter on the inside of the glass.
5. Oreo Coffee Shake

This Oreo shake is perfect if you require a caffeine kick:

  • Coffee-Flavored Ice Cream: Substitute a coffee ice cream for vanilla.
  • Cold Brew or Espresso: Pour a shot of cold brew coffee or espresso into the blender for that hint of coffee Oreo flavor.
  • Mocha Syrup: top with mocha syrup for even more coffee & chocolate!

Classic Oreo Shake Nutritional Information

Nutrition Information The Classic Oreo Shake’s nutrition content may vary depending on the individual ingredients used. Approximate breakdown for a typical serving:

  • Calories: 600-700 calories
  • Total Fat: 25-35g
  • Carbohydrates: 80-100g
  • Sugar: 55-75g
  • Protein: 8-10g

Do keep in mind that these numbers can vary depending on the type and amount of ingredients. For example, low-fat milk or less ice cream will reduce the calorie amount.

How to Lighten Up a Classic Oreo Shake

However, if you still want to satisfy that Oreo shake craving but make it a bit healthier, here are a few things to trim the calories and sugar on:

  1. Light Ice Cream: Save on fat and calories with a light or reduced-fat vanilla ice cream.
  2. Almond Milk: Replace with unsweet almond milk for a lower-calorie, sugar option.
  3. Sugar-Free Oreos: Substitute sugar-free or low-sugar Oreo substitutes to decrease the sugar content.
  4. Mix In Some Fruits: Blend some strawberries or even a banana for an extra step in nutrition and sweetness, too.
  5. Portion it Out: Serve the shake in small glasses to get your fill, but not go overboard.

Creative Ways to Serve up an Oreo Shake Classic

Do some fun serving for your Oreo shake:

  1. Mason Jars: Mason jars are quite trendy when you want the smoothie blend to be more rustic, then serving it in a mason jar creates an aesthetic appeal!
  2. Milkshake Bar: Create a DIY milkshake bar with different syrups, chocolates, cookies, and sprinkles to include as toppings. Give people the ability to tailor their shake.
  3. Oreo Milkshake Floats: For a float-style shake, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to a glass filled halfway with chocolate soda or cola, and top with Oreo crumbs.
  4. Drizzle Chocolate Around the Rim: Then, optional but highly recommended for a gourmet touch dip the rim of the glass in melted chocolate and press-coated crushed Oreos.


What is a Classic Oreo Shake?

Classic Oreo Shake is a classic milkshake with slightly more complex flavors, consisting of Oreo cookies, vanilla ice cream, and milk. This Oreo Milkshake is an easy and delicious dessert drink made with the crunchiness of Oreos and the creaminess of ice cream! Generally, a bit of whipped cream and more Oreo crumblings go on top.

What Goes Into A Classic Oreo Shake?

To make a Classic Oreo Shake:

  • Combine 6-8 Oreo cookies, 2-3 scoops of vanilla ice cream, and 1/2 cup of milk in a blender until smooth.
  • Add the milk, to the consistency you desire.
  • Strain that drink into a glass, top with whipped cream and some Oreo crumbs or just put a whole Oreo on top. StepsPlace over medium-low heat and add half of the shrimp to the skillet.

How to prepare Classic Oreo Shake without a blender?

Yes! In case you don’t have a blender, instead of blender you can prepare an Oreo shake following these steps:

  • Crushing Oreos with a rolling pin or food processor into fine crumbs
  • Place the ice cream in a bowl, soften it slightly (just so it is easier to mix), then add Oreo crumbs and milk and start stirring until smooth.

Is it possible to use another type of Oreo when making a Classic Oreo Shake?

Absolutely! What’s great about it is you can use different flavors of Oreos such as Mint, Peanut Butter, or Golden Oreos to take your shake to the next level! You could also make this with Double Stuf Oreos for Extra doubles. This will change a little shooting of different flavors to your shake in the same preparation.

Is the Classic Oreo Shake vegan?

Yes! Classico Oreo Shake:

  • Choose plant-based milk (almond, soy, or oat)
  • Sub a dairy-free ice cream made with almond, coconut, or oat milk for traditional ice-cream Oreo cookies (not all, but most) are already vegan so that sub is taken care of.

How to Thicken an Oreo Shake?

Ready to thicken up your Oreo shake:

  • If it occurs, then mix in more ice cream or use less milk instead.
  • Or, if you prefer to make it a little thicker without diluting the flavor, add some crushed ice or use frozen milk cubes.

How to Thicken an Oreo Shake?

Thinner Shake (If Preferred):

  • If you need to, add more milk to the blender in small amounts until it reaches your ideal texture.
  • Or even opt for a milk alternative such as almond milk, it is lighter and will make your shake more consistent.

What Other Ingredients Can You Add To The Classic Oreo Shake?

Yes! Some of the more common add-ons include:

  • Richer-tasting chocolate syrup
  • Makes it taste creamy and nut, with the peanut butter.
  • Bananas or strawberries for a fruity touch
  • Perhaps an espresso, or cold brew to make a coffee-flavored Oreo shake.

How long does it take to make a Classic Oreo Shake?

It will take 5-10 minutes to prepare a Classic Oreo Shake, but this might even stretch longer depending on the extent of preparation (e.g., ice cream softening and a few crushed Oreos). As soon as everything is blended, you can serve this chilled.

How many Oreos should I use for a Classic Oreo Shake?

Usually, 6-8 Oreos are enough for a single shake, however depending upon your choice you can always add more to make the Oreo taste even more pronounced. The cookies to me had slightly less lemon in them so adjust according to your preference.